Logic Design is first and foremost a team. Each month, we shine a light on a member of the #LogicTeam and introduce you to the people behind the scenes.
Today we talk to Queralt Sans, graphic designer and soul @Logic Design Barcelona. She started very young whit her creativity, vision and sincere charisma.
She was only 16 years old by her first professional touch with the design’s world << while I was studying design graduate at Elisava I managed to work during the summer at Logic, at that time “packart agency”. At the end of my studies I returned and I can say that I have been happily motivated since 2013. I have learned everything I know from my mentor @Ferran Dachs. I have even acquired his crazes hahaha>>.
Queralt overflows with creativity and good humor on all sides. In her free time (very scarce since her motherhood three years ago) she has collaborated as an actress on the 40th anniversary of the theater group of which she was part throughout her adolescence. << I was notified for the role of “guest” in the Vernissatge play by Václa Havel, and although I have zero time I did not hesitate to say yes because I feel mega fullfilled when I do theater in my town>>.
She also continues to study for Elisava’s master in Design and the first certificate in English. Queralt: Do you have any other hobby? << In the past I could funnel my activity with basketball, I played for more than 20 years, we even became part of the second division of the Catalan Women’s league, where I sweat the shirt with @Marta Rovira Unfortunately I had a knee injury a few years ago and had to quit >>.
Are there any clients you particularly enjoy? << I had the opportunity to take part as illustrator in an innovation workshop with our client Nestlé, and from the role of shaping ideas I really enjoyed It >> << A client with whom I feel identified and with which I work continuously, because it is a long-term client, is with @Catalònia Fundació Creactiva, I can do a break with the consumer sector to enter into the contribution of value and social responsibility >>.
A lover of cinema and graphic design applied to films, Queralt recommends that we meet his admired Annie Atkins, who specializes in the possibilities offered by the universe of design within the cinematographic world << It is very top as Annie Atkins drives to contextualize from scratch… for example the sweet Mendl’s, the signage, the passports and maps in Hotel Budapest are very inspiring >>.
We have this conversation a few days before her son’s birthday, and this “wolf” mom is going to put all her creativity into action to make it spectacular and above all fun.
Here we share one of her creations:
Thanks Queralt, keep it up as authentic!
Teresa González, Communication in Logic Design Barcelona